Learn Japanese Pod

Learn Japanese Pod

Podcast 32: Just the dialogues

June 23, 2020

These are the dialogues for podcast #32 “Making dinner plans with a friend”
In this lesson you will learn the following:

* How to make dinner plans with a friend
* How to talk about a restaurant you regularly frequent

In this podcast you will learn how to make dinner plans at a restaurant you regularly frequent. You’ll learn some natural phrases for making plans that native speakers commonly use. Check out the dialogue and grammar notes below for a detailed explanation.
Main Dialog (Japanese)
A: もしもし
B: もしもしアレックス、明日夜ご飯食べに行かない?
A: ごめん、明日はちょっと無理なんだ。土曜日なら行けるよ。
B: じゃあ土曜日の7時にいつものお寿司屋さんで!
A: あみは本当にお寿司飽きないねー!
Main Dialog (Pronunciation)
A: Moshi moshi
B: Moshi moshi, Arekkusu, ashita yoru gohan tabe ni ikanai?
A: Gomen, ashita wa chotto muri nan da. Doyōbu nara ikeru yo.
B: Jaa, doyōbi no shichi ji itsumo no osushi ya san de.
A: Ami wa hontō osushi ni akinai ne.
Main Dialog (English)
A: Hello?
B: Hi, Alex, do you wanna go out to eat dinner tomorrow?
A: Sorry, tomorrow’s not possible. If it’s Saturday I can go.
B: OK then, Saturday at 7 o’clock at the usual sushi place.
A: Ami, you never get sick of sushi do you!?
Grammar point and drills
Here is a breakdown of the main grammar pattern featured in the dialogue:
Doyōbi no shichiji ni itsumo no osushiyasan de
(Let’s meet on) Saturday at 7 o’clock the usual sushi place.
Here are some more example drills:
1) 金曜日の6時半にいつものラーメン屋さんで。
Kinyōbi no roku ji ni itsumo no raamenyasan de.
(Let’s meet on) Friday at 6 at the usual ramen place.
2) 日曜日の6時にいつものイタリアンで。
Nichiyōbi no rokuji ni itsumo no itarian de.
(Let’s meet on) Sunday at 6 at the usual Italian place.
3) 木曜日の8時にいつもの居酒屋で。
Mokuyōbi no hachiji ni itsumo no izakaya de.
(Let’s meet on) Thursday at 8 at the usual Izakaya.
4) 土曜日の7時にいつものカラオケで。
Doyōbi no shichiji ni itsumo no karaoke de.
(Let’s meet on) Saturday at 7 at the usual Karaoke place.
Random Phrase of the Week
The random phrase of the week is where we teach you a random Japanese phrase to make your friends laugh and ask “where did you learn that from?!”
行き当たりばったり – Ikiatari battari
Meaning: unplanned and making decisions on the fly / Playing it by ear. It’s generally used in a negative way but there are some exceptions
Example sentences:
1) 行き当たりばったりでなんでも決めちゃう。
Ikiatari battari de nandemo kimechau.
To make decisions in a random or unplanned way
2) 行き当たりばったりな旅だった。
Ikiatari battari na tabi datta
It was an unplanned trip.
3) 行き当たりばったりにレストランを選んだ。
Ikiatari battari resutoran o eranda.
I randomly chose a restaurant.
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