Perspectives of Change

Perspectives of Change

LCM Podcast EP 2: Solving Wicked Problems with The Hot Seat

September 15, 2015


This episode features Salah Elleithy, Agile Coach, Trainer and founder of Spark Agility. Salah joined an open session with me at Agile 2015 where myself and a few other people tried out a technique called The Hot Seat.

Salah recently tried this out with a client and in this episode we chat about why he wanted to try it, how he did it and what happened.
About Salah
I get the most joy out of sparking curiosity in learning and experimentation. Over the years, I worked in business analysis, management, agile coaching and consulting. I am passionate about organizational development and enhancing teams capabilities through teaching, training, coaching and facilitation. I see my work as helping organizations design a community (culture) of learning. A couple of years ago, I attended training from the BACK of the room which focus on accelerated learning and brain based instructional design models and I instantly saw the connection between learning and agility.

I am the founder and learning facilitator of SparkAgility. I am also the product manager for ReadyforAgile. I organize and facilitate Agile NOVA meetup. Follow me on twitter or connect with me on Linkedin.

Show Notes:

Here are references that Salah and I mentioned during the broadcast.

Origins of the technique
Ro Gorrell (who did the digging to find the origins!)
Prioritizing Options using a Cost vs Value tradeoff
Change Options Canvas