Leadership Network Podcast

LNP 47 | Microchurches for the Next Generation
Older paradigms of student ministry were focused on centralized expressions that required the next generation to be good inviters. Gen Z believers are hungry for more. They recognize they’re living in a fully post-Christian world and longing for equipping that will empower them to be effective disciplemakers in their schools and within their friend groups. Zero Hour Ministries is discovering and leaning into this in Kansas City. With a vision to see all 88 metro high schools saturated with the gospel, Zero Hour is creatively exploring new ways to support students as they are sent on mission to bring beauty, justice, and the Good News of Jesus to their school. Rob Wegner and Brian Johnson interview Cory to dig deeper into the strategies of Zero Hour to understand how they are disciplemaking among the next generation and empowering student leaders to see microchurches emerge in their context. This podcast accompanies an article written by Cory McElvain that you can find at leadnet.org.
GUEST: Cory McElvain, Pioneering Director of Zero Hour Ministries
HOSTS: Rob Wegner and Brian Johnson, Directors of Microchurch NEXT