Leading Rebels

Leading Rebels

How to lead in today’s fast-paced world with Vanessa Judelman

September 06, 2018

Having suffered under bad leadership and also experienced the ups and downs of being a leader herself, Vanessa Judelman founded Mosaic People Development to make leaders more aware of how their behaviour impacts the people around them. After seven years of going into organizations to teach leaders practical tools to excel, Vaness decided to share her bird's eye view of the challenges facing leaders worldwide and solutions to overcome them in her book Mastering Leadership - What It Takes To Lead In Today's Fast Paced World.

Tune in to this episode to learn how to:
- Set priorities and not get distracted by setting critical goals and using the ABC method
- Manage virtual team spread around the world
- Avoid your strengths becoming weaknesses by using the dialing up and the dialing down approach
- Know the difference between managing your team and leading your business
- Lead change, think for the long term, and build a plan to implement strategically
- Use courage and vulnerability to give well-received feedback
- Delegate effectively depending on team members’ developmental stage
- Replace judgment with curiosity

Learn more at www.leadingrebels.com

More about Vanessa: www.mosaicpd.com | www.linkedin.com/in/vanessajudelman | www.twitter.com/mosaicpd | www.facebook.com/MosaicPeopleDevelopment


Title music: I dunno by grapes (c) copyright 2008 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. dig.ccmixter.org/files/grapes/16626 Ft: J Lang, Morusque