Leading Saints Podcast
How I Lead with Ward Committees | An Interview with Corry Perkins
Corry Perkins was born and raised in Boise, Idaho, graduating from Boise State University with a BA in Communications. He served a Spanish-speaking mission in the Canada Toronto Mission and has served as bishop over a traditional geographic area ward and as a temple ordinance worker, and is currently bishop in a married student ward. Corry owns an insurance and financial services agency. He and his wife have been married 42 years and have 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren.
02:30 Background of Corry Perkins. He explains the dynamics of his ward.
09:45 Corry isn’t in a traditional ward. His responsibilities are a little different as a bishop. His main responsibility is training and developing the next leaders of the church. He focuses on sacred daily routines to help those in his ward have strong relationships with Jesus Christ.
11:40 Corry has established a ward theme. They keep track of everyone’s temporal and spiritual goals.
13:15 The ward has been broken into four committees
- Redeem the Dead Committee (temple and family history)
- Perfect the Saints Committee (service)
- Activities Committee
- Missionary Committee
15:30 How Corry keeps track of each committee and keeps each one going
17:10 How do all of the committees stay unified and the other organizations (Relief Society or Elders Quorum) fold into the committees?
21:00 On an annual basis everyone rotates committees. So freshmen serve in each committee by the time they are a senior and graduate. Everyone in the ward has the opportunity to serve on a committee.
23:45 Third Sunday of every month each committee meets for 15 to 30 minutes after church and then everyone eats together.
24:30 Corry tried to create and work with committees in a traditional ward but it failed. He goes into reasons why maybe it didn’t work there.
26:55 The ward mission leader is the co-chair of the missionary committee.
27:30 Your ward can create committees according to your ward’s needs.
28:30 Corry explains more on his ward’s theme
- He gives each couple a magnet to write out their spiritual and temporal goal for that year’s theme
- He puts each couple’s goal on a big bulletin board
- On the fourth Sunday 3 couples speak in Sacrament meeting about their goals
34:00 Corry’s mission president was President M. Russell Ballard. He shares some experiences he had and President Ballard’s leadership style.
35:00 Corry shares more about the Redeem the Dead Committee and the amazing experiences that members of his ward have had.