Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Counseling Together as Disciples of Christ | An Interview with Frantz Belot

November 13, 2021

Dr. Frantz Belot is co-founder of Tyfoom, an engagement mobile-first platform that documents and improves communication, productivity, and training. He is also a co-founder of Tech Trep Academy, a tuition-free, public school program tailored to the unique needs of each student. He worked as an executive with Imagine Learning, which provides a complete suite of adaptive digital curriculum and assessment solutions for PreK–8 in language development, and was instrumental in helping the company to a successful acquisition.

Frantz is a native of Haiti and was raised in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He obtained his PhD from Brigham Young University in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Organizational Behavior, and his entrepreneurial spirit permeates all aspects of life. He’s passionate about helping people access education and training so they can positively impact their lives, businesses, and communities for good. He and his wife Brandi are joyfully raising their five sons in Mapleton, Utah.

In this podcast, Kurt and Frantz discuss the principles that Frantz has learned from his professional life, along with his experience as a bishop and counselor in a stake presidency.


12:00 A bishop presides over a ward but his mission is to help “the one.” Frantz always tried to go out and visit the members to help him focus on individuals.

13:20 Kurt and Frantz discuss how to schedule visits with the members and how Frantz went about visiting.

18:00 What Frantz has learned as he has been transitioning from a bishop to the stake presidency.

20:00 Stake and ward dynamics. Stake leaders should counsel with ward leaders before making decisions. Ward and stake leaders should be working together.

24:15 Counsel with one another to create the best outcomes.

25:00 Our Heavenly Father established counsels. Members can receive more inspiration about planning and coordinating the Lord’s work.

26:30 Learn your duties and responsibilities. Use the handbook more to learn and know the purpose of each organization.

34:30 Seek to love, unify, and lift others.

38:45 How do we unify? One way is to counsel and not have one person dominate the conversation. Each person listens respectfully to one another.

43:00 There is no person that is the fountain of all knowledge.

43:30 You are a representative of Jesus Christ. Understand the nature of the savior and do your best. He can make up the rest.

46:40 You are not representing yourself in a meeting but the savior Jesus Christ.

48:10 The greatest leader is the greatest servant.
Transcript coming soon