Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

How I Lead as Stake Relief Society President | An Interview with Sue Peterson

May 12, 2021

Sue Peterson has been a stake Relief Society president in Elk Ridge, Utah, for three years. She joined the Church at age 21 and has previously served as a ward Relief Society president, with the Young Women, in Sunday School, and as a Webelos leader. Sue enjoys writing and has taught journalism and drama classes. She and her husband Jack have been married 40 years and have six daughters and 12 grandchildren.
5:45 Her calling as stake Relief Society president
7:30 Calls herself a realist and believes in dropping the facade
11:15 Being brave and modeling vulnerability and openness from her own difficult life experiences
14:30 Others may be uncomfortable with vulnerability, but all that matters is what God thinks of you, not what others think
16:45 The Lord is always working on people, whatever their circumstances
19:10 Focusing on the Relief Society presidents in her stake: her job is to help them have every tool they need and be their advocate
24:15 "The Pretty Presidents Press" for her Relief Society presidents; being there in Relief Society regularly
26:00 One-on-one meetings with presidencies before ward conferences
30:45 Visits Relief Society meetings regularly but purposefully doesn't intrude on the meetings as a leader. Even ward conference was a discussion of two questions and not a lesson.
34:00 Actions she takes when a new ward Relief Society president is called

* 35:20 Teaching delegation; getting out of the way
* 36:10 Promoting Just Serve with specialists in each ward

41:20 Changes due to lessons learned from technology during the pandemic

* Stake Relief Society YouTube channel

46:00 "The Lord can do a lot more with my life than I can"
Outline for new ward Relief Society presidents
TRANSCRIPT coming soon