Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Connecting Others to Jesus Through the Cross at Calvary | An Interview with John Hilton III

March 27, 2021

John Hilton III is an associate professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. He previously worked with the Seminaries and Institutes program for eleven years and has a master's degree from Harvard and a PhD from BYU, both in education. He is the author of several books including The Founder of Our Peace and Considering the Cross. John and his wife Lani have six children and live in Utah.

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5:20 The question he sought to answer when writing his latest book, Considering the Cross

* We may have a cultural tendency to discount Christ's crucifixion

7:45 We emphasize both the living Christ and the loving Christ
8:50 The importance of separating the cross as a symbol and the doctrinal significance of the crucifixion
11:15 We cannot comprehend Christ's experience on the cross or in Gethsemane, but the crucifixion can be easier to imagine

* There was also an atoning significance of suffering for our sins on the cross

13:10 Pastoral opportunities to use the cross as a bridge-building tool with people of other faiths

* Seeing the beauty in how other people see the symbol

19:00 Teach directly from the scriptures about the crucifixion and the multiple reasons for it
21:20 Helping an individual repent by offering hope and encouragement: Romans 5:8, D&C 18:10-13

* Increasing our understanding of any aspect of the Savior's Atonement will bring us closer to Him
* Peter was specifically given a message of hope; Barabbas' release as an image of hope; the criminals crucified with Him; the grace of Jesus Christ can reach even you

33:00 Helping people in challenging circumstances

* The shattering of Friday, the patience of Saturday, the redemption of Sunday
* Disciples on the cusp of losing hope on the road to Emmaus, but Christ was walking with them

38:00 Approaching the gory aspects of the crucifixion: it can be connecting and take us to a place of solidarity with him
44:15 Preparing individuals to receive temple ordinances: symbolism of the altar and the sealing covenant
49:00 Bringing Christ's crucifixion into our personal study and devotion

* Good Friday
* Studying the scriptures
* Watch a dramatization about Jesus

54:55 Jesus' final words on the cross point us back to God
Considering the Cross: How Calvary Connects Us With Christ
Similarities and differences in the gospels

Image: The fresco of Crucifixion in church kostel Svatého Cyrila a Metodeje, probably by Gustav Miksch and Antonin Krisan; Renata Sedmakova/Shutterstock