Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Is Aspiring Wrong?

March 20, 2021

In this solo episode, Kurt considers the concept of aspiring to lead and shares ideas and experiences prompted by a series of newsletter messages.
4:15 Where the topic of aspiring started in the newsletter
8:25 Responses to newsletter messages: Is it okay for someone to aspire?
9:40 Quotes about not aspiring
11:00 Hypothetical situation and survey: Harry wants to be bishop
13:00 Aspiring can be a form of pride and a hunger for power; who is this teaching turning away?
15:20 Who was the first person to ever aspire to a calling? There are aspirations that aren't based in pride/power/glory
17:10 Truman Madsen quote of Joseph Smith's statement on aspiring
19:00 Letter from James: aspiring distracts from revelation
22:30 We are encouraged to aspire to some callings, or at least not discouraged
24:00 Why would anyone even want to lead?

* 1 Timothy 3:1
* God's remarkable vision speaks to our souls
* 27:15 Lift where you stand, but formal leadership callings simplify the process of discipleship

30:00 Unintended consequences of the teaching not to aspire:

* Putting leaders on pedestals; questioning a few sacred cultural cows

* 33:10 Dynamic of individuals who do not have the same leadership opportunities

* 37:00 Leads to individuals seeking personal validation through leadership
* 40:45 Unintentionally disenfranchises the most capable; creates a culture of fear
* 43:10 Accidentally diminish our God-given desire for influence and purpose

48:45 Observations/ideas to improve the culture:

* Liberate the capable by encouraging influence from everyone
* Don't shrink from influence
* No more pedestals
* Create more seats at the table
* We need more examples of the desire for influence: aim to be on the list for consideration
* Don't diminish a calling by highlighting the sacrifices
* When we label the desire to influence as prideful, only the prideful seek to influence
* Destigmatize the desire to lead

From Baptist Preacher to Latter-day Saint | An Interview with Gary Miller
Truman Madsen lectures