Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Clarifying Purpose to Guide Your Calling, Work, & Family Life | An Interview with Dustin Peterson

February 27, 2021

Dustin Peterson is a leadership trainer with Proof Leadership Group and works with organizations to help develop their culture. He is also the author of “Reset: How to Get Paid and Love What You Do”, and coaches individuals to help them get unstuck in their careers. He has served in a stake presidency in Houston, Texas, and also on a high council and as an early morning seminary teacher. In this interview, originally recorded as a Facebook Live session, Dustin talks about clarifying personal purpose to better lead in all areas of your life.

4:45 About Dustin and what he does as a leadership trainer and career coach
6:00 Where his passion for purpose came from
7:30 Research study: What makes you an effective leader? Identified the only commonality is a clear sense of purpose with a story to go with it
10:15 Transferring this knowledge into the gospel and the church
12:20 Most of us just want to help other people, but we need to get more specific
13:10 What purpose is: your intention to contribute to the well-being of other people
15:20 The concepts for individual and organizational purpose are the same
16:55 Purpose can be confused with goals or a mission; focusing internally is demotivational
18:00 Your purpose is Your Big Why: What drives you
18:35 To identify your purpose there are three things you need to know:

* Purpose is broad and ambitious: a big, bold statement

* It serves as an umbrella over everything
* It's what wakes us up in the morning
* It's what motivates us to move forward and pulls us through the hard things

Leading with Your God-Given Talents | An Interview with Dustin Peterson
Reset: How to Get Paid and Love What You Do, by Dustin Peterson
Email: Dustin at proofleadership.com