Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

The Promises We Make as Leaders | An Interview with Jason Hewlett

November 28, 2020

Jason Hewlett is a speaker, performer, and entertainer. In 2020 he added “bestselling author” and “virtual entertainer” to his repertoire. Jason has served as an elders quorum president and currently serves on the high council in his stake. He is also a husband, and a father to four children.
5:00 Introduction
7:45 Advice to leaders handling virtual events

* 10:55 Instruct people attending meetings to turn on their camera
* Warm up with a question in chat

14:15 Jason’s experience serving on the high council
16:30 Jason’s journey writing and publishing The Promise to the One

* The foundation of his message is in keeping promises to ourselves

19:20 Experience serving as an elders quorum president and trying so hard to do it all that he wasn’t keeping the promise to himself
24:00 Signature Moves: The unique talents, skills, and traits you can share with the world

* Identify, clarify, magnify
* Do this with others and recognize what others see that you might not

31:40 Property line living: recognize where we can stop or keep going in the service of others

* Keeping a promise to those we serve

39:20 Experience struggling to figure out how to work during a pandemic, and the gifts of a friend playing music outside the house, and friends offering to help
44:00 Leaving a legacy: What can you create now that will live beyond you? What do I want the end game to be? How can I serve at the highest level of engagement?
49:35 Experience of choosing to leave in chapter 10
56:00 What it means to keep your promise as a disciple of Jesus Christ
The Promise to the One, by Jason Hewlett
How This Professional Entertainer Can Help Improve Your Next High Council Talk | An Interview With Jason Hewlett