Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

What I Wish I Knew Before Organizing a Primary Program

August 23, 2018

Finding yourself in charge of planning, teaching, and organizing the Primary to put on a sacrament meeting program can be overwhelming! Thankfully, Leading Saints is here to help. In this episode we have gathered experiences from current and former Primary leaders from around the world sharing what they wish they knew before they were called to prepare and present the yearly program. You will find their advice inspiring and practical.
Contribute Your Own WIWIK Experience
In an effort to help others learn how to get from A to Z in preparing their Primary programs, we are organizing future podcast episodes that will feature current and past leaders sharing what they wish they knew before they were called.

You will only have 5 minutes to record so write some thoughts on a paper and then record!
How to record:

* Click the green button below
* Answer the following question in less than 5 minutes:

* What do you wish you knew before you were called to lead the Primary program?
* Start your answer with “Before I was called as _________, I wish I knew…”

* Stop recording
* Listen to recording and record again if you would like
* Enter name and email
* Submit recording by clicking “send”