Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Leading with Trust | An Interview with Stephen M. R. Covey

June 10, 2018

Steven M. R. Covey is the son of Steven R. Covey of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and co-founder of Covey Link and the Franklin Covey Global Speed of Trust practice. He is a highly sought-after and compelling keynote speaker and advisor on trust, ethics, sales, and high performance, and speaks to audiences around the world. He is also the New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal best-selling author of “The Speed of Trust", which teaches 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders. This is a groundbreaking, paradigm-shifting book that challenges the assumption that trust is merely a soft social virtue, demonstrating that it is instead a hard-edge economic driver. Trust is a learnable skill that makes organizations more profitable, people more promotable and relationships more energizing.
3:19 What it was like growing up in the Covey home and how the principles his father was teaching in the marketplace were first taught in the home. Things like “green & clean”, “listen first”. The principles in the book were for the marketplace but were started at home with his family. They were the guinea pigs of “7 habits”.

4:40 How he started on the business side but shifted career path to current leadership roles

5:20 Not one thing that lead to “trust” as his focus, but many different things that lead to that.

* There is a high cost to low trust
* Trust is learnable
* Trust is not just a good thing, and social thing but it is a multiplier and key to leadership. All things are better with trust.
* Trust and love are critical, you can love and not trust but it is best to have both. It is better to be trusted than loved. (David O McKay) Love is critical.
* It applies to everything, business, church, marriage, every level of human interaction.

10:40 “Fish are the last ones to discover water.” How to determine amount of trust when we are called to a position. We need to be intentional, not just use position power, but rely on credibility, influence, trust. Seek best interest of others.

12:50 Positions may not come with trust. Description of low trust tax, that may confer to us from prior leaders, as well as low trust dividend.

14:00 Trust is built through our credibility and behavior:

* Credibility: character trust (integrity, intent, care, more about others well-being, showing we care) and competence trust (current, learning, performance, do what we say)
* Behavior – how we do whatever we do, we want to model behavior that builds trust
* We want leaders that care, and are very competent as well. We don’t have to be perfect, we have to be willing

23:00 We need to look in the mirror and see how we are doing with trust.

24:10 How do we help those who have a deficit of trust – first look inward. How do I focus on my credibility, my confidence?

* Declare intent – what you are doing and why.
* Extend trust to others, people will return the trust. There is a risk. We are good at understanding trustworthiness, but not always good at understanding the importance of extending trust – trust others.
* The quickest way to make someone trustworthy, is to extend trust to them.

28:50 Don’t treat people according to their behavior, treat them according to their potential. They will rise to that trust.

29:30 Behaviors that build trust:

* Extend Trust – make sure they know you “trust” them to fulfill their calling
* Clarify Expectations
* Practice Accountability

33:45 “To be trusted in the most inspiring form of human motivation”. It brings out the best in people. Less micro-management and better trust returned to you.

34:45 Our positions/hierarchy type leadership need to be changed to a leadership of trust & i...