Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Is Your Mindset Limiting Your Leadership? | An Interview with Ryan Gottfredson

April 25, 2020

Consultant, author, mental health coach, trainer, and researcher Ryan Gottfredson is the author of Success Mindsets: Your Keys to Unlocking Greater Success in Your Life, Work and Leadership. He holds a PhD from Indiana University and is a BYU alum. Presently he is a leadership and management professor in the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Fullerton. He has prior professional experience with Gallup. Dr. Gottfredson has published numerous professional articles and his research is frequently cited by others. He has often contributed his expertise to Leading Saints. A short and free mindset survey is available to readers/listeners at RyanGottfredson.com.
06:00: Value of mindset in assuming leadership responsibilities; NFL example of good intentions gone awry. Leader impact on “subordinate” self-esteem.
11:15: Becoming awakened to our personal mindsets, e.g. homeless individuals.
15:00: Do we perceive our leaders as doing their best? Bias towards our personal perceptions vs openness to other possibilities. Unintentional damage to team/group/congregation members.
18:39: Mindset in conducting successful meetings. Chrysler/Lee Iacocca case study. Desire to look good, be right, avoid problems and get ahead are self-focused, negative self-protection modes. We should want to learn and grow, find truth, reach goals, and lift others.
24:05: We limit ourselves by believing our opinions count more than others.
26:00: Decision making becomes stunted if we are closed. Do we desire to be the person with all the answers who minimizes the perspectives of others? Do people feel psychological safety in the group?
31:20: Do we allow formal handbooks to stifle our creativity.
32:50: Prevention mindset vs risk taking. Fleeing to safe comfort zone may not lead to original destination.
36:40: Sacrament meeting mindset.
40:30: Comfort-focused vs intention focused. Are the people in the group growing? Do we deem our bucket so full we cannot pour anything else into it by way of considering avenues for growth?
44:00: How do we know if people in the organization are engaged and growing? What drives engagement? Do stakeholders feel their opinions matter? Gallup study reveals 30% of workforce feels truly engaged.
50:15: Only 5% of mindset survey respondents find themselves in the top quartile. There is no correlation among the four mindsets. Failure avoidance leads to wanting to look good as opposed to learning/growing. 50% of population has fixed mindset. Spiritually, are sanctification and tapping into the Spirit more difficult with a closed mindset about self? Having faith to “lean into” difficult situations.
1:00:37: Consider crucial conversations with leaders whose closed mindset is negatively impacting the organization. “I Dare You” by Michael Sorensen will improve your emotional intelligence.
1:03:53: Are we closed-minded in thinking our leader has a closed mindset? Being proactive.
1:05:05: Once we know our mindset tendencies, how will we take charge of our future? Neuro connection link. Shift towards more positive mindset is easier than many realize. “The Power of Stillness.” Focusing on behaviors without modifying our mindset leads to frustrations. Learning from mistakes.
1:13:55: Becoming a better disciple of Christ by learning, growing, finding truth, and lifting others. Live in opportunity mindset, not fear. The Atonement is liberating.
Success Mindsets: Your Keys to Unlocking Greater Success in Life , Work, and Leadership