Leading Saints Podcast

Leading Saints Podcast

Order of the Priesthood, Sacrifice, & Leadership | An Interview with Todd McLauchlin

June 01, 2024

Todd McLauchlin served a mission to Japan and studied philosophy at Brigham Young University. In this conversation, Todd and Kurt delve into the concept of magnifying one’s calling in the priesthood, emphasizing the importance of sacrifice and obedience, and discuss how leaders can magnify redemption to others.

Todd McLauchlin


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Scriptures related to this podcast: Doctrine & Covenants 88, 112, 109, 61, 1 Nephi 12, Mosiah 2-5 (King Benjamin’s address), 2 Nephi 9, Jacob 1-2

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00:05:30 – Exploring the intersection of leadership, theology, and priesthood

00:09:57 – Understanding the concept of belief and repentance in the scriptures

00:13:14 – The significance of the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood

00:20:26 – The covenant of the priesthood and becoming clean from the blood and sins of the generation

00:26:53 – Magnifying one’s calling and the connection to priesthood theology

00:36:40 – Sacrifice, leadership, and the impact on relationships and redemption

00:41:52 – The consequences of breaking covenant and the role of priesthood in delivering Christ’s message

00:45:47 – Applying covenant principles to leadership roles like Relief Society and elders quorum presidents

The Leading Saints Podcast is one of the top independent Latter-day Saints podcasts as part of nonprofit Leading Saints’ mission to help Latter-day Saints be better prepared to lead. Learn more and listen to any of the past episodes for free at LeadingSaints.org.

Past guests include Emily Belle Freeman, David Butler, Hank Smith, John Bytheway, Reyna and Elena Aburto, Liz Wiseman, Stephen M. R. Covey, Julie Beck, Brad Wilcox, Jody Moore, Tony Overbay, John H. Groberg, Elaine Dalton, Tad R. Callister, Lynn G. Robbins, J. Devn Cornish, Bonnie Oscarson, Dennis B. Neuenschwander, Anthony Sweat, John Hilton III, Barbara Morgan Gardner, Blair Hodges, Whitney Johnson, Ryan Gottfredson, Greg McKeown, Ganel-Lyn Condie, Michael Goodman, Wendy Ulrich, Richard Ostler, Kirby Heyborne, and many more in over 700 episodes.

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