Leaders Need a Push Too

Leaders Need a Push Too

Latest Episodes

How do you create trust?
April 15, 2018

Building a safe environment where peoople can think and express how they feel, is healthy.  A place where they feel valued, respected, and inspired, will help them take ownership and be accountable.  If you’re leading, are you building trust?

What is your trustbuster?
February 16, 2018

There are many leaders who affect their culture because they keep breaking trust without meaning to.  They are not aware enough to know how their behaviour affects the people they lead. Do you recognize your trustbuster?  What do you have to do about it?

Walking on a Calf Path
December 16, 2017

Samuel Floss’s poem The Calf Path has such a message for us as leaders.  What will it take for us to learn to try something new when the old way isn’t working anymore.  We do get ourselves into ruts that are deep and well trodden by those before us.

Benefits of an Introverted Leader
December 13, 2017

Leadership roles come in many styles.  Traditionally extroverted behaviour seemed to be needed to guide and motivate employees and encourage teamwork. Introverts may have been considered to be too quiet and unassertive to successfully handle the many c...

How do we change the things we know we need to change if we want to lead?
July 19, 2017

The message really is about understanding how we are seen as leaders.  We need to understand who we really are and who we need to become in order to lead effectively.  Getting clear on the gaps, setting a plan for change, then changing the behaviour,

Do you lead like a victim or do you take your power back?
July 17, 2017

Leaders are seen wearing a mask of “victim” when they lack confidence in their ability to lead, afraid to lose control and blame others when things go wrong.  Or they have a fear of making tough decisions and allow the team to take control.

Changing behaviour in order to lead
June 22, 2017

Learning how to recognize how our team feels about us, makes us realize how they have branded our behaviour.  Deciding to take control of how we are seen, begins with self awareness.  Changing our demeanour and understanding how we present ourselves wh...

Vulnerability is scary when you are not confident
May 24, 2017

Being brave enough to speak your truth takes confidence.  Self awareness and developing your strengths will give you the confidence you need to express your feelings.  It means being vulnerable, and when you can do that you realize it is a strength not...

Smart ways to deal with toxic people
May 17, 2017

Learning to be resilient in a toxic environment is necessary if you are going to lead.  Being self aware and capable of remaining positive enough to take the actions required to turn a toxic team around, takes skills.

Stop! Look! Listen to Yourself!
May 09, 2017

Dan Goleman quotes: ‘Gifted leadership occurs when heart and head – feeling and thought – meet. These are the two winds that allow a leader to soar’. That can only happen when we as leaders take the time to be mindful, reflective,
