The Leadership Habit

The Leadership Habit

Building a Support System at Work with Dona Amelia

July 19, 2024

In the high-pressure world of leadership, building a support system at work is crucial for personal and professional well-being. In a recent episode of the Leadership Habit Podcast, host Jenn DeWall sat down with Dona Amelia, co-founder and member service director at EGN Singapore Malaysia and MD of EGN Indonesia, to discuss this vital topic. With a rich background in both the entertainment and business worlds, Dona provides a unique perspective on the importance of creating a robust support system in the workplace.

The Importance of a Support System at Work

Workplace loneliness is a common issue, particularly for those in leadership positions. As Dona points out, leaders often find themselves isolated, lacking peers to share ideas with or seek advice from. This isolation can lead to stress, burnout, and even mental health issues. A strong support system is essential to mitigate these effects and ensure leaders have the resources they need to thrive. Dona emphasizes, “Being lonely at the top is not good. It can lead you to stress, burnout, and mental health issues.”

Having a support system also allows leaders to make better decisions. Leaders can gain new perspectives and innovative solutions by discussing challenges and brainstorming with peers from different industries. The peer coaching model is a collaborative approach where senior executives meet regularly to share their experiences and insights in a confidential setting. “It’s important for leaders to have someone who can relate to their challenges and provide inspiration to make better decisions,” says Dona.

3 Steps to Build a Support System

  • Step One:  Embrace Vulnerability

Dona emphasizes that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. Leaders need to acknowledge their challenges and seek help when needed. This openness fosters trust and creates a safe space for others to share their experiences. “As a leader, it’s okay to make mistakes and to ask for help. Vulnerability is your power,” Dona explains.

  • Step Two: Seek External Support

Finding support outside the organization can be incredibly beneficial. Joining peer networks, hiring a coach, or finding a mentor are all effective ways to build a support system. These external resources provide a safe environment to discuss sensitive issues without fear of judgment or repercussions within the workplace. “Belonging to a peer network or having a mentor can provide the diverse perspectives needed to solve complex challenges,” Dona advises.

  • Step Three: Make Time for Supportive Activities

One of the most significant barriers to building a support system is time. Leaders often feel too busy to engage in activities that foster support networks. However, making time for these activities is crucial for long-term success. Whether it’s attending peer group meetings, scheduling regular sessions with a coach, or participating in professional development workshops, prioritizing these activities can significantly enhance a leader’s effectiveness and well-being. “You need to make time for it. Without prioritizing supportive activities, you risk stagnation,” Dona emphasizes.

Overcoming Challenges in Building a Support System

Many leaders hesitate to seek help because they fear it will make them appear weak. Dona reassures that asking for help and admitting mistakes are signs of strength and self-awareness. Leaders should cultivate a culture where vulnerability is accepted and valued. “It’s very important to admit that we are all human and that it’s okay to not always have the answers,” she says.

Identifying the right people to include in your support system can also be challenging. Look for individuals who understand your professional challenges and can provide constructive feedback. This might include colleagues from different departments, peers from industry networks, or mentors with extensive experience. “Start by identifying trusted individuals and gradually expand your network to include diverse supporters,” Dona recommends.

The Role of Peer Networks

Participating in a peer network offers numerous benefits, including access to diverse perspectives, enhanced problem-solving capabilities, and opportunities for collaboration. Leaders can learn from their peers’ experiences and apply these lessons to their own challenges. Dona shares, “It’s amazing how much leaders love to help each other. The amount of insight and support they provide is invaluable.”

Tips for Building a Support System
Start Small

Building a support system doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start by identifying one or two trusted individuals with whom you can share your challenges. Over time, expand this network to include a diverse group of supporters.

Be Proactive

Take the initiative to reach out to potential mentors, join professional networks, and attend industry events. Being proactive in seeking support will help you build a robust network more quickly. “If you don’t ask for help, you’ll never know if you can get it. People are generally very willing to share their knowledge and support,” Dona encourages.

Use Technology

In today’s digital age, technology can play a significant role in building and maintaining a support system. Use tools like LinkedIn to connect with peers, join online forums, and participate in virtual peer group meetings.

Seek Learning Opportunities

The Crestcom L.E.A.D.R. for Life program is another excellent resource for leaders seeking to enhance their skills and build a strong support network. This program focuses on developing key leadership competencies through interactive workshops and practical exercises.

Support Systems Are Essential

Building a support system at work is essential for leaders to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively. Leaders can create a robust network that enhances their decision-making and overall well-being by embracing vulnerability, seeking external support, and making time for supportive activities. Peer networks provide a safe space for leaders to share their challenges and learn from each other’s experiences. By prioritizing these efforts, leaders can ensure they have the resources they need to succeed and thrive in their careers.

For more information on how to build a support system at work and to access Crestcom’s leadership development resources, find a Crestcom trainer near you!

Where to Find More From Dona Amelia

If you would like to learn more about Dona Amelia or EGN, you can connect with her here: 

And if you would like to see Crestcom’s leadership training in action, request a free workshop for your team today!


The post Building a Support System at Work with Dona Amelia appeared first on Crestcom International.