The Leadership Habit

The Leadership Habit

Building Emotional Intelligence Through Energy Leadership with Evan Roth

June 28, 2024

In this week’s episode of The Leadership Habit Podcast, host Jenn DeWall sat down with Evan Roth, an experienced executive coach, to discuss the interplay between emotional intelligence and energy leadership. This conversation is rich with insights on how leaders can harness these concepts to improve their professional and personal lives. Let’s delve into the key takeaways from this enlightening discussion.

Meet Evan Roth, Executive Coach and Crestcom Subject Matter Expert

Evan Roth is a seasoned executive coach with over 30 years of experience in corporate roles such as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager, and Chief Learning Officer. He has led teams worldwide, including in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Holland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Roth’s coaching focuses on helping executives thrive by building emotional intelligence through the concept of energy leadership.

In addition to these impressive achievements, Evan is one of Crestcom’s esteemed Subject Matter Experts. He is featured on a module about business acumen, bringing his expertise to Crestcom L.E.A.D.R. for Life participants all over the world!

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others. According to Roth, EI can be broken down into four key components:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding your own emotions.
  2. Self-Regulation: Managing your own emotions.
  3. Social Awareness: Recognizing others’ emotions.
  4. Relationship Management: Influencing others’ emotions effectively.

Roth emphasizes that emotional intelligence is not just about feeling but also about thinking and behavior. He says, “Emotional intelligence is becoming aware of what is happening in our interactions. It’s stepping into the feelings of others, understanding and regulating according to that so that we can have better interactions, better communication, and get to results quicker.”

The Concept of Energy Leadership

Energy leadership, a framework developed by Bruce D. Schneider, involves understanding and managing your energy levels to lead more effectively. Roth explains that there are seven levels of energy, ranging from catabolic (negative) to anabolic (positive). These levels influence how we perceive and respond to various situations.

The Seven Levels of Energy Leadership

Level 1: Victim Energy (I lose)

Thoughts: Helplessness

Feelings: Apathy, Lethargy

Actions: Inaction, Avoidance

Level 2: Conflict Energy (I win, you lose)

Thoughts: Anger, Frustration

Feelings: Aggression, Defiance

Actions: Hostility, Resistance

Level 3: Responsibility Energy (I win, and I hope you do too)

Thoughts: Forgiveness, Cooperation

Feelings: Acceptance, Reconciliation

Actions: Pragmatism, Problem-solving

Level 4: Concern Energy (You win, and I hope I do too)

Thoughts: Compassion, Service

Feelings: Care, Empathy

Actions: Support, Nurturing

Level 5: Reconciliation Energy (We both win)

Thoughts: Opportunity, Synergy

Feelings: Peace, Intuition

Actions: Collaboration, Innovation

Level 6: Synthesis Energy (Everyone always wins)

Thoughts: Connection, Flow

Feelings: Joy, Wisdom

Actions: Effortless Productivity, Intuitive Solutions

Level 7: Absolute Passion (There is no winning or losing, only being)

Thoughts: Objective Thinking, Non-Judgment

Feelings: Absolute Passion, Love

Actions: Creation, Innovation

Practical Application of Energy Leadership in the Workplace

Later in the episode, Evan Roth discusses how emotional intelligence and energy leadership can transform workplace dynamics. When leaders are aware of their energy levels and those of their team members, they can create a more harmonious and productive environment.

5 Steps to Build Emotional Intelligence and Energy Leadership

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly check in with your emotions and energy levels.
  2. Seek Feedback: Encourage honest feedback to uncover blind spots.
  3. Set Intentions: Define how you want to show up in various situations.
  4. Practice Empathy: Understand and resonate with the emotions of others.
  5. Continuous Learning: Engage in activities that enhance emotional intelligence and energy awareness.

Overcoming Challenges

Roth notes that a significant challenge in building emotional intelligence is the discrepancy between perceived and actual self-awareness. While 90% of people believe they are self-aware, only 10% actually are. To bridge this gap, Roth suggests leveraging tools like the Johari Window to uncover blind spots and improve self-regulation.

Managing Catabolic Energy

Catabolic energy (levels 1 and 2) can be particularly detrimental in the workplace, leading to silos, team dysfunction, and poor results. Roth provides practical strategies for managing catabolic energy:

  • Acknowledge It: Recognize when you or others are in a catabolic state.
  • Shift Focus: Move from a self-centered perspective to a collaborative one.
  • Encourage Positivity: Foster a culture of feedback and support.

Evan Roth explains, “When we’re in catabolic energy, we are stuck with myopic self-focus. I like to ask myself, when I’m in one and two, what choices am I missing?”

Where to Find More From Evan Roth

The conversation with Evan Roth on The Leadership Habit Podcast highlights the profound impact of emotional intelligence and energy leadership on personal and professional development. By understanding and managing our emotions and energy levels, we can become more effective leaders and create positive, productive workplaces.

For more insights and to connect with Evan Roth: 

If you want to learn more about how Crestcom L.E.A.D.R. can help your team develop their emotional intelligence, business acumen and more, click HERE to get a free 2-hour Leadership Skills Workshop today!


The post Building Emotional Intelligence Through Energy Leadership with Evan Roth appeared first on Crestcom International.