Leadership Subject Matters

Leadership Subject Matters

Latest Episodes

Episode 08: The Five Benefits of Effective Delegation
August 02, 2020

Delegation is a critical leadership skill. In this podcast, I outline the consequences of not delegating and detail five benefits of effective delegation.

Episode 07: Layoffs – Tips to Avoid or Survive Those Dreaded Events
July 16, 2020

"There are going to be layoffs!" How many times have you heard this lately? In this podcast, I outline steps you can take to avoid being part of a layoff.

Episode 06: Retirement Planning – The Missing Ingredient In Career Plans
January 01, 2020

Retirement planning is a critical component of career planning. In this podcast, I outline seven steps that can help you achieve your retirement goals.

Episode 05: A Practical Guide to Influencing and Achieving Win-Win Outcomes
October 13, 2019

We rarely spend time learning how t improve our influencing skills. In this podcast, I discuss eight actions you can use to achieve win-win outcomes.

Episode 04: How to Effectively Manage Your Personal Brand
September 16, 2019

In this podcast episode, I discuss seven steps that will help you increase your personal brand by leveraging my Personal Product Management strategy.

Episode 03: Improve your Executive Presence with These Six Behaviors
September 01, 2019

In this podcast I discuss my definition of executive presence and I detail the six behaviors that can make an immediate positive impact on your brand!

Episode 02: What to do While Waiting for a Promotion or if you Don’t Get It
August 19, 2019

In this podcast episode, I discuss some things you should consider doing while you wait for a promotion and how to handle being passed over for one.

Episode 01: How to Receive, Process and Use Feedback
August 13, 2019

In my first podcast, I share my thoughts on feedback, why its important, and lay out what everyone should consider when receiving, processing and using it.