Leadership and Business

Leadership and Business

Latest Episodes

194 Dawn Edmiston - Taking Stock of Your Personal Brand
March 06, 2023

Now that were settled in to 2023, its a good time of the year to take stock of your personal brand. The way youre perceived by others is important. Yet many professionals rarely take the time to en

193 Matt Williams - The Leadership Shift
February 21, 2023

As the world evolves, leadership also evolves. Theres no doubt the leader of today and tomorrow will be different from the leader of the past. Qualities and approaches that defined yesterdays high q

192 ChatGPT - Meet ChatGPT
February 05, 2023

It seems like everyone is talking about ChatGPT. Today on the podcast, well learn about it by going right to the source. First, some background: People in business, education, journalism, law, and vi

191 Anand Anandalingam - Ethical Leadership for Tech Entrepreneurs
January 21, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, synthetic biology, blockchain, social media, and other technologies continue to change the way we live, work, and lead. At the same time, the reach of technology is expanding

190 Todd Mooradian - The New Dean
January 05, 2023

For the first time in 25 years, William & Marys School of Business, the Raymond A. Mason School of Business, has a new leader. After long-time Dean Larry Pulley announced his retirement, and the Univ

189 Students, Faculty & Staff - Holiday Binge Watching
December 21, 2022

Its the holiday season, and ordinarily at this time of the year we would suggest some good books for you to read as you hopefully get some time off to relax. Not this year. This year was different. I

188 Mano Watsa - The Commitment-Based Organization
December 05, 2022

There are countless parallels between business and sports; teamwork, sacrifice, expertise, winning and losing, innovation, leadership, and commitment. Our guest today is the President and Owner of PGC

187 Joe Jordan - The Domino’s Pizza Story
November 21, 2022

Its hard to imagine life without pizza, and difficult to imagine pizza and pizza delivery without Dominos. It all began in 1960 with one store in Michigan. Now, Dominos is the number one pizza rest

186 Chris Caracci - Building Customer Loyalty
November 05, 2022

Think of your favorite brand - maybe its Apple, Bose, Dominoes, Netflix, Jeep - whatever your favorite, most likely the quality of the product is excellent. But thats not enough to make you loyal to

185 Dan Webber - How Are You Innovating?
October 21, 2022

Whatever business or field youre in, standing still is not an option. Thats why so many are placing an emphasis on innovation. With that in mind, Tribe Innovation, at the William & Mary School of Bu