Leadership Aficionado

Leadership Aficionado

Latest Episodes

S2:E026 Discover Your Why
January 26, 2019

When you are doing something that you are passionate about, your Why is obvious. It is the thrill, excitement and sense of accomplishment you feel while doing it. But what about when it is a job or career that you may not be so passionate about; or someth

S2: E025 Motivation Defined
January 25, 2019

Motivation is the state of being motivated or having a strong reason to act or accomplish something. Motivation is the reason behind the thing you are doing - the why. When you combine your love and joy for something - your passion, with strong reasons fo

S2: E024 Instagram and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
January 22, 2019

When I was in college, I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM), the 1974 philosophical classic novel by Robert M. Pirsig. I didn’t have enough life experience at that time to fully appreciate it and my only take-away was “how cool would it

S2: E023 Live With Passion
January 21, 2019

Passion is more than just enthusiasm; it is ambition that is materialized into action. It is when you put as much mind, body & soul into something as possible. One of Tony Robbins’ many mantras was “Live with Passion”. I believed in this philosophy but I

S2: E022 Fear
January 18, 2019

Fear prevents us from opening certain doors, driving certain roads and climbing certain mountains. What are you really afraid of? The unknown, failure, or the opinion of others. Not facing your fears leads to a life of mediocrity, unfulfilled dreams and l

S2: E021 Legacy
January 16, 2019

What are you giving your children? What Legacy are you leaving for them? The best thing you can do for them is to become the best person that you can be. To actually become the men and women who you are encouraging them to be. Show them that life is about

S2: E020 Motivation Monday
January 14, 2019

Listen to a compilation of motivational clips to put a little fire under your butt this Monday morning. This podcast is sponsored by Anchor

S2: E019 Patience
January 12, 2019

To achieve any goal, you have to become the person who can and will achieve that goal and you need patience to become that person. The patience to keep grinding even though results are not immediately evident. You may be on the road to success but do you

S2: E018 2019 Professional Goals
January 09, 2019

Professional goal setting is a little more involved because it requires Self-awareness. Before you can Do, you have to Be. Do you actually have a profession or is it just a job? Are you capitalizing on who you are; your DNA, or are you just trying to fit

S2: E017 2019 Financial Goals
January 08, 2019

2019 Financial Goals: 1. STOP SPENDING- you cannot move forward financially if you are constantly buying bullshit. 2. PAY OFF DEBT- credit card debt can paralyze you for years. 3. DOWNSIZE- the more stuff you have or more expensive, bigger stuff you have,