Leadership Aficionado

Leadership Aficionado

Latest Episodes

S2: E036 Consistency
February 08, 2019

Consistency is to stand firm and carry on regardless of obstacles or distractions. Tony Robbins believes “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently”. Dr. Gloria Petruzzelli provides 5 Tips For Being Consistent

S2: E035 Commitment
February 07, 2019

Commitment is the state of being dedicated to a cause, activity or goal. T.D. Jakes once said “You cannot conquer what you are not committed to”. Logan Marshall of the Free Life Project provides 4 Steps to Unshakeable Commitment: 1. Get your mindset right

S2: E034 Podcasting
February 06, 2019

Podcasts are entertaining, informative and a great way to pass the time while multi-tasking. Why would you start your own? Maybe you like to hear yourself talk, maybe you were meant to bestow your wisdom upon others, or maybe you are just plain funny. So

S2: E033 Self-Discipline
February 05, 2019

Aristotle once said “ Through self-discipline comes freedom “. Self-discipline is simply the ability to make yourself do things when you know you should, even if you do not want to do them. But why is this simple concept so hard? Because we as humans are

S2: E032 Minimalism
February 04, 2019

Minimalism is the Intentional promotion of things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it. Minimalism suits me because I have realized that I neither need or want much in the form of stuff. I know this lifestyle is not for ev

S2: E031 In The Moment - Part 3
February 03, 2019

The continuation of Joshua Becker’s list of 10 Tips to Start Living in the Present. 8. Stop Worrying - you can’t fully appreciate today if you worry too much about tomorrow; tomorrow is going to happen no matter what. 9. Think Beyond Old Solutions to Prob

S2: E030 In the Moment: Part 2
February 01, 2019

The continuation of Joshua Becker’s list of 10 Tips to Start Living in the Present. 4. Forgive Past Hurts - resentment festers and the more you hold onto it, the stronger it gets. 5. Love Your Job - you can either find a new job that you do enjoy or focus

S2:S029 In The Moment
January 31, 2019

Joshua Becker believes that “the secret of health for both mind & body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly”. Here are some of his 10 Tips for Living in the Mo

S2:E028 Mis En Place
January 30, 2019

Mis en place is the French culinary term for having the right ingredients “set in place” before you start cooking. It is not enough to just have Drive. What are the ingredients for having the drive of a champion? 1. A strong Why and 2. Discipline; contain

S2:E027 Are You Driven
January 28, 2019

Drive is the innate urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need. Drive is the starting point of motivation. It helps you focus on a specific goal. It is the first step. Without action or execution, your journey is just a dream. Drive is the first step in the