Leaders Sport Business Podcast

The Blueprint: New York Yankees’ Rose Barre
Insights from an experienced leader in one of the world’s most recognisable sports franchises.
This is the Blueprint, the podcast brought to you by Leaders and Deltatre about straightforward strategic thinking in sport.
Over the course of the series, we’ve been hearing from leading industry executives about how they strategise - how do they build in flexibility? Inject creativity? Bring projects and partnerships to life? - providing fresh perspective on sport’s most recognisable organisations, with real life examples of where strategy worked (or didn’t).
In this episode, Rose Barre, Executive Director of Sales, Service & Business Strategies at the New York Yankees, joins Leaders’ Content Director David Cushnan and Deltatre’s Commercial Strategy Lead Max Barnett in a conversation drawing on her 12 years experience at the heart of one of the world’s most famed sports teams – she discusses the scrutiny that comes with heightened brand recognition, the discipline required for strategic thinking in the off-season and building a ticketing and engagement strategy around tourists to New York.