Leaders Sport Business Podcast

Leaders Sport Business Podcast

Leaders Live: The Big Interview with the ATP Tour’s Massimo Calvelli | Behind the scenes of the sports documentary surge

February 10, 2023

The CEO of the ATP Tour, CEO and Founder of Noah Media Group and the director of ‘No Woman, No Try’ join the monthly live chat show.

In February’s episode, recorded live from IMG Studios, the business of tennis first takes centre stage (court). Massimo Calvelli, CEO of the ATP Tour joins the show in our ‘Big Interview’ to discuss the emergence of a new generation of players, finding a new generation of fans and the new generation of leadership on the men’s professional circuit.

And following the launch of Netflix’s new tennis series ‘Break Point, the panel segment (from 35:11) goes behind-the-scenes on the wave of sports documentaries and originals currently finding their way to a screen near you; examining the pros and cons, challenges of access, creative process and hard economics of storytelling. The panel consists of our hosts David Cushnan and Cameron Macdonald, and experts ‘No Woman, No Try’ director Victoria Rush and John McKenna, CEO and Co-Founder of Noah Media Group, the production company behind the likes of '14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible'; 'Arsene Wenger: Invincible'; and 'Finding Jack Charlton'. To watch the broadcast in video, you can visit https://www.linkedin.com/posts/leaders-executive-sport-ltd-_leaders-live-the-big-interview-with-massimo-activity-7029463746674622465-cTu0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

On 1st and 2nd March, we are partnering with Abu Dhabi Sports Council to bring you The Leaders Sport Business Summit Abu Dhabi. To find out more and register your interest, please visit https://leadersinsport.com/sport-business/leaders-events/the-sport-business-summit-abu-dhabi-2/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_P6dBhD1ARIsAAGI7HCCGlj9q3PpsJp0X-G1UXjQClMECIBUGKu50cyCYuuOA9IuDFwFkagaAv6HEALw_wcB