Leaders Sport Business Podcast

The Blueprint: Formula E’s Aarti Dabas
In conversation with the woman driving Formula E’s media strategy.
Welcome to The Blueprint, the podcast brought to you by Leaders and Deltatre for straightforward strategic thinking in sport.
Over the course of the series, we’re hearing from the industry’s leading strategists about how they strategise: How do they build in flexibility? Inject creativity? Bring projects and partnerships to life? They’ll provide fresh perspective on sport’s most recognisable organisations, with real life examples of where strategy worked (or didn’t), to reveal how to execute strategy successfully and avoid pitfalls.
In this episode, Leaders’ Head of Content David Cushnan and Deltatre’s Commercial Strategy Lead Max Barnett are joined by the Chief Media Officer at Formula E, Aarti Dabas. In a candid and fascinating conversation, Dabas draws on her extensive experience both at Formula E and from her 12-year stint at the International Cricket Council to detail how organisations go about executing strategic plans, including the trade-offs needed to bring strategies to fruition and the complex task of managing a multitude of stakeholders through a strategic journey.