Leaders Sport Business Podcast

Leaders Sport Business Podcast

Leaders Live: The Ultimate Matchday Experience - what does it look like and how much is it worth?

April 29, 2022

DFL Digital CEO Andreas Heyden joins the team to reveal how technology is enriching the fan experience.

Leaders Live is our studio talk show on hot button issues facing the industry, featuring interviews with leaders from across and beyond sport. On this episode, we are examining the ultimate matchday experience – what is it, how has it changed, and how can we deliver it?

To provide answers to our burning questions this month: Andreas Heyden. Heyden is the Executive Vice President of Digital Innovation at DFL, and the CEO of DFL Digital, and thus speaks with deep knowledge on smart solutions for enhancing the matchday experience for fans both at home and in-venue. He explains how DFL’s ‘glass to glass’ strategy is revolutionising how the Bundesliga interact with fans, why aiming under the age average will maximise your appeal across all age groups, and the potential of the Metaverse and other developing technology to elevate the fan experience holistically as the present and future converge.

To watch the broadcast in video, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_9sxxs0y08