Leaders Performance Podcast

Dan Jackson, Adelaide Crows
Dan Jackson is the General Manager of Player Development & Leadership at the Adelaide Football Club, but he is quick to dispel any notions that he is a guru.
“I can’t teach leadership,” he tells the Leaders Performance Podcast. “I can help unlock what’s already in there.”
On that note, he is certain that leaders are not born. “Leadership is 100 per cent made, but it’s made from a very young age.”
Beyond the origins of leadership, Dan spoke to Henry Breckenridge and John Portch about the importance of prioritising others [10:40]. “Great sustainable teams are built in environments where everyone’s looking to help someone else out,” he adds. “When you fill someone else's bucket, it fills yours.”
Also on the agenda were the importance of humour and enjoyment [22:00]; the argument against ‘refreezing’ culture [48:30]; and the practical steps that help leaders to manage team operations [32:00].
Henry Breckenridge LinkedIn
John Portch LinkedIn
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