Leaders Performance Podcast

Esther Goldsmith & Dr Natalie Brown - Sport Wales
Predictably, when Sport Wales formed its Female Health & Performance team, some asked why there was no male equivalent.
The truth is that male physiology and psychology has long been viewed as the default across sport.
“For so many years we haven’t thought about females as being different,” says Esther Goldsmith, who works for Sport Wales, on the latest episode of the Leaders Performance Podcast.
“When you think about it, it doesn’t make sense because it’s obvious we’re different.”
This lack of understanding or consideration makes one ponder just how much potential is being left on the table by female athletes. The menstrual cycle, for example, was seen as a taboo and was historically not taken into consideration when female athletes trained, performed or recovered.
In seeking to redress that imbalance, Sport Wales is empowering female Welsh athletes from the grassroots through to podium potential with the support they need to succeed.
“We’re just trying to open up some of those conversations and improve the comfort and awareness of the athlete in order to help,” says Dr Natalie Brown, who works alongside Goldsmith.
Both spoke of Sport Wales’ efforts to normalise conversations about a whole range of female health issues (10:00) including pelvic floor health and stress incontinence (36:00), while busting common myths along the way (21:00).
Goldsmith and Brown also discuss the importance of encouraging behavioural change through meeting the athlete where they are in their beliefs and values (15:00); helping coaches with any potential discomfort as they learn and become aware of the needs of their athletes (31:00); as well as the question of sports bras in a market without universal standards (26:00).
They offer useful tips for any sports organisation regardless of their budget or level of resource but the important thing is to start having the conversation. Now.
More from Sport Wales:
How Sport Wales Is Enabling Female Athletes to Succeed on the World Stage
‘Female-Specific Considerations Should Be Part of Normal Practice’
Female Athlete Health: Five Top Tips When Discussing the Menstrual Cycle and Other Issues
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