Leaders in Living Rooms

Leaders in Living Rooms

LILR 102 | Les McKeown on Connecting the Leadership Dots

March 12, 2024

Today, we welcome Les McKeown, author of "Predictable Success," to the podcast! Listen in to hear his insights on pattern recognition, self-awareness, and honesty in effective leadership. He encourages leaders to confront the internal voice of imposter syndrome in order to conquer it.

Welcome to episode 102 of the Leaders in Living Rooms podcast with Sean Morgan.



Predictable Success, by Les McKeown


If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition. Or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof. 

Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon? Check out our 2023 cohorts and get connected with us at: https://theascentleader.org/cohorts/ 


Les McKeown is a renowned speaker and author. He has started over 40 companies in his own right, and guided hundreds more worldwide. His company, Predictable Success, advises senior leaders of organizations on how to achieve scalable, sustainable growth. Les is the author of the WSJ and USA Today Best-seller, "Predictable Success: Getting Your OrganizationOn the Growth Track - and Keeping It There", "The Synergist: Leading Your Team to PredictableSuccess", "Do Lead: Share your vision. Inspire others. Achieve the impossible” and “Do Scale: ARoadmap to Building a Remarkable Company”


Thanks to our sponsor: Food For The Hungry. Combine your church's heart for the poor and Food for the Hungry’s global experience at fh.org/churches
