Leader Fluent with Stephen Blandino

How to Make Leadership Decisions
On the Leader Fluent Podcast, we’re in a series on my book, Insanely Practical Leadership: 12 No-Nonsense Keys to Master the Art of Leading Yourself and Others. The book addresses a host of insanely practical skills, and it provides you and your team with the tools to apply the insights to your life and leadership. The book is now available, and on this episode, you’ll get a taste of my chapter on, “How to Make Leadership Decisions.” Be sure to order Insanely Practical Leadership today and the bonus content that goes with the book HERE.
Several years ago, my wife Karen and I planted a church near downtown, Fort Worth, Texas. Well, a few years after planting the church, our building reached a tipping point. Our auditorium was full, our kid’s space stretched thin, and we knew we needed to either renovate or relocate.
After careful consideration, we decided to renovate the building. Here’s the framework we drew from to make the decision.
1. PRAYER: Have I Asked for the Holy Spirit’s Wisdom?
2. DNA: Does the Decision Support Our Organizational Identity?
3. RESEARCH: Have I Done My Homework?
4. EXPERIENCE: Do Lessons from Past Experience Support the Decision?
5. ADVICE: Does the Wisdom of Others Affirm the Decision?
6. RESOURCES: Can We Get the Money to Start and Sustain the Decision?
7. IMPACT: Will the Decision Deliver a Good Return on Investment?
8. INTUITION: Is My Gut Telling Me to Proceed?
9. INFLUENCE: Are My Key Leaders Receptive and Supportive?
10. TIMING: Is the Timing Right for the Leader, Team, & Organization?
The teaching in this podcast series comes from my book, Insanely Practical Leadership: 12 No-Nonsense Keys to Master the Art of Leading Yourself and Others. Get your copy of the book, masterclass, and study guide to maximize your leadership and to invest in the growth of your team. You can learn more about Insanely Practical Leadership and the bonus content that goes with the book HERE.
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