Layers of Learning Podcast

Layers of Learning Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 34: How To Teach Science
October 24, 2020

Homeschool families often struggle with knowing how to teach science. It can seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Listen in on this podcast episode as the authors of Layers of Learning talk about how to use scientific principles and hands-on e...

Episode 33: How To Teach Geography
September 30, 2020

Listen in on how to teach geography in your homeschool. Karen and Michelle talk about everything from what to teach and how to schedule it to the fun hands-on projects that will help it stick in your kids' minds.

Episode 32: How To Teach History
September 01, 2020

Teaching history can feel overwhelming. How do you cover it all? Where do you start? Karen and Michelle talk about their philosophy about teaching history and what the lessons look like in their homeschools.

Episode 31: Diving Deep
July 26, 2020

Karen and Michelle compare scuba diving to studying history and encourage you to dive deep into your studies to gain a new perspective and open a world of understanding that might just change your worldview.

Episode 30: How To Plan a Writer’s Workshop Unit
June 25, 2020

A candid chat between Karen and Michelle about how the flexibility of Writer's Workshop can streamline your lesson planning and simultaneously help your young writers grow in leaps and bounds through a series of tiny steps.

Episode 29: Planning Your Homeschool Year
May 25, 2020

Learn all about how to use the Layers of Learning Planner effectively so your whole homeschool year will run more smoothly.

Episode 28: Raising Readers
May 03, 2020

Tips for how to help your kids fall in love with books. Raising readers is possible, even with big families, dyslexia, and a busy family. These are the things Karen and Michelle do to help their kids love reading!

Episode 27: Juggling Family School Juggling Family School
March 30, 2020

Teaching lots of kids of all ages in one homeschool can be a struggle! In Episode 25, Juggling Family School, Michelle and Karen share what has worked well in their homeschools and talk about ideas for keeping everyone learning together.

Episode 26: What To Do When Your Homeschool Blows Up
March 03, 2020

When a homeschool day blows up it can disrupt and destroy the feeling and rhythm of your homeschool. Listen in on these ideas and tips for helping to overcome and eliminate homeschool conflict.

Episode 25: Morning Time
February 01, 2020

Morning time in your homeschool doesn't need to be complicated to be effective. Karen and Michelle share their morning time philosophy in this episode, along with lots of simple ideas for having a gentle start to each day in your family-style homeschool.