Lawyer Talk: Off the Record

Lawyer Talk: Off the Record

Jon Jones Taking On A Las Vegas Police Department Cruiser and The Blitz

September 29, 2021

Details of former UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones‘ recent arrest in Las Vegas hours after being inducted into the UFC Hall fo Fame. The arrest came in the early morning hours of Friday after Cesars Palace security alerted police of a possible domestic violence incident.
“As Jones was being detained, he became irate and smashed his head into the front hood of the [Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department] patrol vehicle leaving a medium size dent as well as chipping of some of the paint on the vehicle,” police wrote in the report.
Plus more from Blitz listeners, including Grandma estate and conservatorship problems, IRS wanting their money, and more Brittany Spears news.
Glenn checks in over the phone as we dive deep into potential government overreach during COVID. When is "all for the public good" too much?
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies." (C.S. Lewis)
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Recorded at Channel 511, a production of 511 South High Media LLC.
Stephen E. Palmer, Esq. has been practicing criminal defense almost exclusively since 1995. He has represented people in federal, state, and local courts in Ohio and elsewhere.
Though he focuses on all areas of criminal defense, he particularly enjoys complex cases in state and federal courts.
He has unique experience handling and assembling top defense teams of attorneys and experts in cases involving allegations of child abuse (false sexual allegations, false physical abuse allegations), complex scientific cases involving allegations of DUI and vehicle homicide cases with blood alcohol tests, and any other criminal cases that demand jury trial experience.
Steve has unique experience handling numerous high publicity cases that have garnered national attention.
For more information about Steve and his law firm, visit (Yavitch and Palmer Co., L.P.A.)