Lawyer Business Advantage

Lawyer Business Advantage

Virtual Reception with Stephanie Vaughan Jones

April 26, 2023

In this episode, Alay and Stephanie discuss: 
  • How a virtual answering service can help your law firm.
  • Building a customer experience that stands out. 
  • The most popular channels of communication.


Key Takeaways: 
  • Hiring a virtual answering service can help your solo or small firm with better business continuity for your answering services.
  • Live chat is growing and evolving and should be part of your website. It offers a direct line of communication to a human to answer questions in real time. 
  • Evaluate what you have, walk in your customer’s shoes, walk in your team’s shoes, and look at the whole customer journey and touch points. 
  • If you are looking for a customer service provider, make sure they are the right fit for your firm as each firm has separate needs. 


Tweetable Moments:
  • “Legal websites should be more than just a shop window. They can empower the customers to be able to communicate, show that you’re forward thinking, and future proof your business.” —  Stephanie Vaughan Jones
  • “The live chat provides an informal and an effective way to be accessible and to help move clients inquiries along.” —  Stephanie Vaughan Jones
  • “It’s not just about the capability to answer the phone. It’s about the capability to provide a really strong customer experience.” —  Alay Yajnik
  • “Firms are much more open now to new suggestions and outsourcing. If there’s a provider that you can trust to do a great job, then I definitely think that it’s an absolute game changer for a firm.” —  Stephanie Vaughan Jones



About Stephanie Vaughan Jones:

First recruited as a receptionist in 2009, Stephanie’s can-do attitude and dedication to best serving her clients saw her move swiftly towards a role in Moneypenny’s sector sales team. From there, given her continued success in the pursuit of new industries, Stephanie was soon invited to join Moneypenny US in Atlanta, heading up its business development team.

It’s thanks to Stephanie’s passion for business development and strategic partnerships that Moneypenny’s market share in the US is growing. Her understanding of what makes the business unique – professional and experienced receptionists working in a happy and engaging environment on behalf of clients and their customers – ensures service delivery continues to honor brand values.

There’s no question that Stephanie’s in-depth knowledge of a wide range of sectors, along with her first-hand experience as a receptionist, have fully equipped her to accurately assess the needs of clients and provide them with tailored communication solutions – an ability she deems the most rewarding part of her role: “To transform a client’s pain points into a complete, one-stop solution is an absolute pleasure.”



Connect with Stephanie Vaughan Jones: 





Connect with Alay Yajnik: 


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