Lawyer Business Advantage

Virtual Assistants with Raquel Gomes and Demetrio Rico
- How COVID changed the game for small businesses.
- What to look for when vetting a virtual staffing firm.
- The importance of reviews and references of your virtual staffing company.
- The universe of virtual services that a law firm can utilize.
Key Takeaways:
- Law firms should hire a VA that has training done in advance, so you don’t have to put in the time for the additional training.
- Understand what time you are looking to regain by hiring a virtual assistant and be willing to communicate what you need and how your VA is doing.
- Hire before you are completely overwhelmed. It will be less stressful for you and for your new employee.
- Don’t leave your hiring or your virtual staffing to luck.
Tweetable Moments:
- “Whenever you have some downtime, record any processes you want someone to take over when you start delegating.” — Raquel Gomes
- “When bringing on a new person, have that person write the process they are being trained on.” — Alay Yajnik
- “There are four areas of work we see law firms have: technical (legal), administrative work, client-facing work, and marketing.” — Demetrio Rico
- “We define the work within the four areas but also go over the soft skills, the personality traits, not only the background and expertise that new hire should have but also their personality. The soft skills are very important. I know how important it is to put the right person in the right role.” — Raquel Gomes
About Raquel Gomes:
Raquel Gomes is passionate about helping business owners, and especially women entrepreneurs, understand that they can, in fact, have it all – a successful business, time with loved ones, and the freedom to pursue the things that matter most.
But she knows to have it all, you can’t do it all.
That’s why she founded Stafi – a company that finds and places highly qualified, highly-educated offshore staff that can do all of the tasks that keep business owners from their most valuable work: serving their clients and growing their companies.
Originally from the south of Brazil, Raquel is a licensed psychologist with an MBA in International Business. She has been both a sales Rockstar and a leader of Rockstar Sales Teams. But just as important as being a successful businesswoman, she is also a loving wife and mother.
Raquel has an incredibly active imagination, probably because, – fun fact – due to her religious upbringing, she didn’t have a television in her house until she was 16. And that was before the internet!
But that imagination also allows her to fulfill her true passion: empowering small business owners to achieve success both in their professional and personal lives.
Connect with Raquel Gomes, Demetrio Rico, and Stafi:
Connect with Alay Yajnik:
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