Lawyer Business Advantage

Latest Episodes
Law Firm Profits with Bo Yancey
In this episode, Alay and Bo discuss: What profit is and why it is so important. Understanding where youre making []
Thinking Like a CEO with Andrea Liebross
In this episode, Alay and Andrea discuss: Differences in men and women in professional coaching and in running a law []
Law Firm Growth with John Brennan
In this episode, Alay and John discuss: Why service professions often benefit from business coaching. Business coaching versus executive coaching. []
Goal Setting with Mike Edwards
In this episode, Alay and Mike discuss: Taking time to recharge. Why goals are so important. Understanding the behaviors that []
Preparing for M&A with Greg Beck
In this episode, Alay and Greg discuss: How strategic transition is different for lawyers than other industries. Why the software []
Accountability Coaching with Ben Kirk
In this episode, Alay and Ben discuss: The value of accountability. Working with a coach to help identify priorities in []
Law Firm Exit and Succession with Keith Atneosen
In this episode, Alay and Keith discuss: Who should be looking into succession planning. Defining financial success and leaving a []
Virtual Assistants with Raquel Gomes and Demetrio Rico
In this episode, Alay, Raquel, and Demetrio discuss: How COVID changed the game for small businesses. What to look for []
Changing Your Practice Area with Jerry Covella
In this episode, Alay and Jerry discuss: Why lawyers dont change their practice areas (even when they want to). Getting []
Culture, COVID, and Consideration with Lisa Thee
In this episode, Alay and Lisa discuss: How COVID impacted men and women. Navigating the future of work authentically for []