The Law Podcasting Podcast

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Shawn Yesner of The Crushing Debt Podcast – Law Podcasting Episode 72
  “Grab A Mic;  Click Record; Start Talking“ — Shawn Yesner, The Crushing Debt Podcast   Shawn Yesner is a lawyer in Tampa Bay, Florida whose practice is focused on helping homeowners keep their homes. 
Hal Coopersmith of New York Launch Pod
It's helpful as a marketing tool.. but it's important to be passionate about being a podcaster… — Hal Coopersmith, New York Launch Pod My guest today is Hal Coopersmith a lawyer in New York City who focuses his legal practice in commercial real es...
Hal Coopersmith of New York Launch Pod
It's helpful as a marketing tool.. but it's important to be passionate about being a podcaster… — Hal Coopersmith, New York Launch Pod My guest today is Hal Coopersmith a lawyer in New York City who focuses his legal practice in commercial real es...
Laura McClellan of The Productive Woman – Law Podcasting Episode 70
You have to know why you're doing it… — Laura McClellan, The Productive Woman Laura McClellan practices law in the Dallas office of K&L Gates LLP, a large international law firm. She concentrates her practice on commercial real estate and real es...
Laura McClellan of The Productive Woman – Law Podcasting Episode 70
You have to know why you're doing it… — Laura McClellan, The Productive Woman Laura McClellan practices law in the Dallas office of K&L Gates LLP, a large international law firm. She concentrates her practice on commercial real estate and real es...
Styles and Tools for Show Prep – Law Podcasting Podcast Episode 69
This episode explores tools and tactics for podcast episode preparation. Extemporaneous, Interview Format, Bullets, Outlines Mindmapping, and Scripting all have their place in the process. I discuss some ideas about when to use which approach,
Styles and Tools for Show Prep – Law Podcasting Podcast Episode 69
This episode explores tools and tactics for podcast episode preparation. Extemporaneous, Interview Format, Bullets, Outlines Mindmapping, and Scripting all have their place in the process. I discuss some ideas about when to use which approach,
Michael Prywes of “How I Broke Into” – Law Podcasting Episode 68
Think beyond your practice area… Think beyond what you've heard before… Think about what you'd want to listen to. — Michael Prywes – “How I Broke Into…” Michael Prywes is managing attorney of Prywes, PC,
Michael Prywes of “How I Broke Into” – Law Podcasting Episode 68
Think beyond your practice area… Think beyond what you've heard before… Think about what you'd want to listen to. — Michael Prywes – “How I Broke Into…” Michael Prywes is managing attorney of Prywes, PC,
Should you monetize your law podcast? Law Podcasting Episode 67
It may be that your personal brand is the real “sponsor” of your show. In this episode of the Law Podcasting Podcast, I give a personal shout out to fans Lynda and Joe Hecht, who've sent in some very kind and useful feedback. And,