Latinos Who Tech

Latinos Who Tech

Building a Second Brain and Becoming a Digital Nomad with Lauren Valdez, Cofounder @ Forte Labs

March 26, 2020

In this episode I spoke with Lauren Valdez. A native Californian, entrepreneur and public health expert. She is cofounder of Forte Labs an organization that helps people become more productive than they ever thought possible.

Lauren is a digital nomad. Along with her partner, Tiago Forte, they’ve managed to build a business that is run fully remote and they run it from the comfort of their home in Mexico City.

We spoke about her decision to relocate from the San Francisco Bay Area to Mexico City, what is it like to run a business with her partner and the idea of “building a second brain” for all those ideas, conversations, articles and knowledge that inspires you and you want to use in the future.

You can check out Forte Labs on their website and subscribe to Lauren’s newsletter here:

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