The Last American Vagabond

Vanessa Beeley Interview – Ethnic Cleansing In Syria Carried Out By US/Israeli-backed Extremists
Joining me once again today is Vanessa Beeley, here to follow up on our last two conversations regarding the fall of Syria to the US/Israeli-backed extremists. We first discussed the situation as it was unfolding, then a week later reflecting on what was known at the time. Today we are discussing what we now know about why Syria fell and who was responsible, as well as the predictable ethnic cleansing that is currently taking place at the hands of the very group the US and Israel allowed to take power under a guise of protecting the very Syrians now being slaughtered.
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Source Links:
(21) Vanessa Beeley (@VanessaBeeley) / X
(100) Vanessa Beeley | Substack
Vanessa Beeley Interview - White Helmets Involvement In Organ, Child Trafficking & Disinfo Ops
Vanessa Beeley Archives - The Last American Vagabond
Vanessa Beeley Interview - The US/Israeli-Backed Regime Change In Syria & Its Zionist Beneficiary
Vanessa Beeley Interview - The Truth About What Is Happening In Syria
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Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Back Syrian Rebels – Foreign Policy
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UK unfreezes Syrian central bank assets - Central Banking
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