The Last American Vagabond

Bipartisan Digital ID & Partisan Managers Circle Wagons As The #TwoPartyIllusion Begins To Break Down
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/31/24).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):
(55) Derrick Broze on X: "@Mark6956338067 @_whitneywebb @TLAVagabond Anyone and everyone is free to form their own organizations with their own criteria." / X
(32) Derrick Broze on X: "We are already seeing the narrative come together that @_whitneywebb @TLAVagabond and I are black pilling people or promoting "learned helplessness". That is the farthest from the truth. I have been promoting real solutions instead of immoral, corrupted politics. My solution" / X
(115) Derrick Broze on X: "Rejecting Corrupt Politicians & the 2 Party Lie Is Not a Black Pill, It's a Bitter White Pill Derrick Broze responds to recent accusations that him, @_whitneywebb & @TLAVagabond are teaching people to be hopeless by not supporting lying politicians." / X
(70) Whitney Webb on X: "@El_Dyro @TLAVagabond @DBrozeLiveFree you absolutely can do that. voting once every 4 years takes a few hours. the problem is focusing on voting as our only way out, we should mostly focus on developing a parallel system." / X
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(71) pl8to on X: "@veilofreality Horrible take. There’s a difference between saying do nothing and calling an obvious Trojan horse out. Trump proved in his first term, he’s not anti establishment. You guys are falling for this like the left did with Obama (“hope” “change”)" / X
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(64) Sanctus Marcus on X: "@_whitneywebb @TLAVagabond To be clear, I'm not arguing we shouldn't vote. I probably will, just in case. Lol. But I'm over the paradigm. Also, everyone on the right seems to gloss over the narrative disconnect of stolen 2020 and vote harder 2024; doesn't add up." / X
(108) O’Callahan on X: "@DBrozeLiveFree @_whitneywebb @TLAVagabond The conservatives who have spent the past decade mocking the NPCs are now all parroting “unity”.