The Last American Vagabond

The Last American Vagabond

Forensic Investigation Reveals Israel Lied To ICJ & The “Flour Massacre” Exposes Starvation Campaign

February 29, 2024

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/29/24).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):

(20) Olga Bazova on X: "Here's everything you need to know about Google AI." / X
(20) Robert Inlakesh on X: "YouTube just removed my channel without giving me any warning or strikes. Essentially all my content is about Palestine, including a number of documentaries I made in the occupied territories. This is what happens if you speak out against the #Gaza_Genocide" / X
(21) The Last American Vagabond on X: "Those actively leaning into the #TwoPartyIllusion are dishonest by default, whether they admit it to themselves or not." / X
Dane Wigington Interview - Geoengineering, Nanotech & Bio-Carrier Platforms For Pathogen Dispersion
As Americans wait to hear the outcome of a federal courts ruling on water fluoridation, corporate fact checkers are attempting to confuse the public. Let's fact check the "fact checkers".
Fluoride exposure causes behavioral, molecular and physiological changes in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and their offspring - PubMed
(21) Dr Sam Soete on X: "Fluoride accumulation accumulates in pineal gland and disrupts circadian rhythms "Parental fluoride exposure disrupts the circadian rhythm, causes anxiety-like behaviour's, and decreases the levels of brain antioxidant enzymes and melatonin" Drink glass-bottled water and use…" / X
(21) The Last American Vagabond on X: "The illusion of their altruism is dissolving day by day. We do not live in the world many think we do. But we can.. #RulesBasedInternationalOrder?" / X
GHg6LpnWwAADraB (496×607)
U.S. wants Israel to sign a letter that it won't break international law with weapons use
(21) The Last American Vagabond on X: "The Prime Minister of Israel says “there is no genocide whatsoever” in Gaza. Instead he refers to the largely debunked narratives repeatedly spread about October 7 as the ONLY thing we should be upset about. It’s okay to be outraged by this. #CeasefireNOW" / X
(104) Forensic Architecture on X: "Israel's legal team repeatedly argued that hospitals, shelters, schools, residential buildings & 'safe zones' had lost protected status & were legitimate military targets—relying on singular cases, themselves unproven, to justify widespread targeting of civilian infrastructure." / X
Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza - Amnesty International
An Assessment Of Visual Material Presented By The Israeli Legal Team At The Icj, 12 January 2024 ← Forensic Architecture
Israel legal team’s evidence at ICJ Gaza case was misleading: research group
(94) Richard Grove on X: "The "land without a people" apparently had a Government.
