American English Refresher

American English Refresher

Latest Episodes

Larisa English Club #30 with Billgreen54
March 22, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #30 What’s in The News? Where Did Apple Trees Originate From? Speaking Practice. Pastimes and Hobbies! English Grammar. Adjectives and Personality Words! What’s in The News? Where Did Apple Trees

Larisa English Club #29 with Billgreen54
March 20, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #29 What’s in The News? What is a Heat Wave? Speaking Practice. Comparing with Adjectives at The Shop! English Grammar. What are Comparative Adjectives? What’s in The News? What is a Heat Wave? A

Larisa English Club #28 with Billgreen54
March 18, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #28 What’s in The News? Tornado, Twister or Whirlwind? Speaking Practice. Rush Hour! Bus or Taxi? English Grammar. Compare Adjectives to Determiners! What’s in The News? Tornado, Twister or Whirlw

Larisa English Club #27 with Billgreen54
March 15, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #27 What’s in The News? Hurricane, Typhoon or Tropical Cyclone? Speaking Practice. Shopping for Gloves English Grammar. What is “Active and Passive Voice?” What’s in The News? Hurricane, Typhoon o

Larisa English Club #26 with Billgreen54
March 13, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #26 What’s in The News? The Nobel Prize in Physiology Speaking Practice. Three Cats, Two Dogs and A Canary! English Grammar. English Words, Words, Words. What’s in The News? The Nobel Prize in Phy

Larisa English Club #25 with Billgreen54
March 11, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #25 What’s in The News? The American Industrial Revolution! Speaking Practice. Mailing Letters and Questions with Do and Would! English Grammar. What are Superlative Adjectives? What’s in The News

Larisa English Club #24 with Billgreen54
March 08, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #24 What’s in The News? Why is it Important to Eat Fruit and Vegetables? Speaking Practice. Having Things Done and I Wonder if? English Grammar. Modal Verbs of Probability Present and Future! What

Larisa English Club #23 with Billgreen54
March 06, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #23 What’s in The News? Keeping Waters Clean in America! Speaking Practice. Talking about The Weather! English Grammar. Compare “Modal Verbs of Probability” to Adverbs. What’s in The News? Keeping

Larisa English Club #22 with Billgreen54
March 04, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #22 What’s in The News? Physical Activity and Your Daily Routine! Speaking Practice. Discussing a News Story! English Grammar Review. “Prefix, Suffix, Affix” New Words in English! What’s in The Ne

Larisa English Club #21 with Billgreen54
March 01, 2019

Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #21 What’s in The News? Unusual Coral Reefs Discovered in The Pacific Ocean. Speaking Practice. At the Bank. English Grammar. Prepositions of Time: after/later/on/in/at What’s in The News? Unusual