Ladies Knight Chess

Ladies Knight Chess

Ladies Knight with Jen Shahade ft. Jessica Era Martin LK042

May 17, 2022

Jennifer interviews author, chess coach as well as a longtime friend of Jen’s, Jessica Era Martin, to Ladies Knight. Jessica is the founder of Over the ChessBoard, a coaching organization dedicated to bringing chess everyone. A published poet and frequent contributor to chesskid, she’s also the author of several books, including two 2022 titles, Chess Strategy for Beginners (out now!) and Chess Openings for Beginners (June).  

Jennifer and Jessica discuss the origin of her middle name ERA, the importance of inclusion in chess books, and favorite openings.  They also touch on how to bring and keep more girls into the game, and the importance of creating a safe and welcoming environment for girls, women and the LGTBQ+ community. 

Mentioned in the pod: 

Jessica’s books:

Jennifer’s book CHESS QUEENS:

US Chess Safe Play policies:

Jonathan Corbblah on the GRID:

Find out more about Jessica, her lessons and her books on

Ladies Knight features music by the artist Juga. Love the podcast? Subscribe to us, review and share Ladies Knight on social media or with friends.