Knowledge at Wharton

Knowledge at Wharton

Latest Episodes

Can the CDC Repair Its Reputation?
September 12, 2022

Whartons Ingrid Nembhard evaluates the Centers for Disease Controls plan to reorganize the agency and regain public trust following two years of pandemic confusion.

Hits and Misses of the Fed’s Inflation Strategy
September 06, 2022

Early actions by the Fed averted a financial crisis following the pandemic, but its later policies enabled an acceleration of inflation, according to Whartons Richard Herring.

Why the Housing Market Is Not in Recession
September 06, 2022

Housing sales are falling in response to rising interest rates, but the real estate market is not in a recession, according to Wharton’s Fernando Ferreira. He explains why the persistent lack of suppl

How the Inflation Reduction Act May Hurt Businesses
August 29, 2022

The proposed new taxes on share buybacks and on book income are based on conceptual misunderstandings and will hurt investment, said Wharton accounting professor Jennifer Blouin.

Will Onshore Computer Chips Fix the Supply Chain?
August 22, 2022

Billions in federal funding for computer chip manufacturing is a good start, says Wharton’s Morris Cohen, but may not be enough to help the U.S. overcome its East Asian competitors.

Why Is Amazon Purchasing a Health Care Provider?
August 15, 2022

With health care accounting for nearly 20% of U.S. gross domestic product, Amazon’s latest acquisition of a primary care chain makes sense, says Wharton’s Harbir Singh.

Have Electric Vehicle Sales Reached a Tipping Point in the U.S.?
August 15, 2022

Wharton’s John Paul MacDuffie says a combination of regulatory changes and financial incentives are guiding more Americans toward mass adoption of electric vehicles, factors that align with a new repo

Investing in Refugee Entrepreneurs in East Africa
August 05, 2022

Wharton’s Katherine Klein speaks with Julienne Oyler, co-founder and CEO of the African Entrepreneur Collective, about helping refugee entrepreneurs thrive.

Why the Fed Is Walking an Inflation-Recession Tightrope
August 01, 2022

The U.S. Federal Reserve is trying to stabilize prices while avoiding a prolonged economic downturn, says Wharton’s Peter Conti-Brown.

What Happens When Your Boss Sends You a Friend Request?
July 29, 2022

A new study co-authored by Wharton Deputy Dean Nancy Rothbard explores the dilemma of digital etiquette for employees who befriend co-workers and managers online.