Knowing God Podcast

Latest Episodes
Revitalization and Church Planting – Part 3 S1,E21
Church planting and church revitalization are two sides of the same coin. However, there are still many who wonder why plant churches at all. Why not just revitalize churches? In the last episode of Season 1, John and Caleb look at the reasons why we shou
Revitalization and Church Planting – Part 2 S1,E20
Last week, John and Caleb introduced the topic of church revitalization in the Knowing God Podcast. In this second part, John and Caleb talk about how churches return to health, gain a healthier place
Revitalization and Church Planting – Part 1 S1,E19
With 80-90% of all churches either in a plateau or in decline, church revitalization is a vital ministry for most pastors. In this episode of Knowing God Podcast, John and Caleb introduce the topic of church revitalization. The goal for all churches, rega
Digitizing Church – Yellow Lights S1,E18
Digital engagement strategies for churches are here to stay. While it is safe to say that Covid-19 altered the way we experience church, the internet was already shaping the way we experience life and worship long before March of 2020. In this episode, Jo
Digitizing Church – Green Lights S1,E17
Last week, John and Caleb introduced the all-important discussion of digitizing church. In this episode of Knowing God Podcast, we look at how innovators are using the internet with little restraint. Is this the correct approach? And should we readily ado
Digitizing Church – Red Lights S1,E16
Beginning in March of 2020, churches were forced to pivot their strategies and port most or all of their ministries to an online environment. COVID-19 certainly changed the way we experienced church. However, churches were experimenting with digital minis
The Means of Grace S1,E15
What are the different activities within the life of the church that God uses to bless his people? And what do we miss if we neglect involvement in a local church? Historically, the “means of grace” have been understood as the activities within a church t
Church Discipline S1,E14
The subject of church discipline causes many to be squeamish at best and hostile at worst. Why would a church that is about loving people seek to discipline its membership? Many people avoid discipline of any kind, but when discipline is rightly applied i
Church Membership S1,E13
If you are a believer in Christ, you are then a member of the universal church. So why would you seek to become a member of a local church? Is local church membership even biblical? In this episode, John and Caleb discuss the merits of joining a local chu
Mental Health in the Church S1,E12
All of us have had our “normal” lives interrupted in the last few years because of Covid-19. The last two years have witnessed unprecedented disruptions, political animosity, racial unrest, economic instability, and general anxiety. How has this affected