KnolShare with Dr. Dave

KnolShare with Dr. Dave

EAFH30: Growing Racial Equity Team Conversation

September 17, 2020

Growing Racial Equity Team Conversation

Hello and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast.  I am Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host.  
Sometimes you are afforded the opportunity to have conversations with passionate people that are relevant in the moment and into the future. These men and women are willing to give of themselves to create a space to hear and gather stories of voices ignored for a long time.  The agile community is not perfect but is anchored on values that make individuals important.  The first sentence of the first value is individuals and interactions, which gives an opportunity to intentionally acknowledge our common global humanity to give grace toward each other.
Let’s begin and listen to the stories shared by April, Jessica, Angie, Anthony, and Trisha.
Dr. Dave:                      So hello and welcome to Knolshare with Dr. Dave podcast. I'm Dr. Dave Cornelius, your host. Sometimes you are forwarded the opportunity to have conversations with passionate people that are relevant in the moment and into the future. These men and women are willing to give of themselves, to create a space to hear, and gather stories of voices ignored for a long time. The agile community is not perfect but is anchored in values that make individuals important. The first sentence of the first value is individuals and interactions, which gives an opportunity to intentionally acknowledge our common global humanity, to give grace toward each other. Let's begin and listen to the story shared by April, Jessica, Angie, Antony, and Tricia.
Tricia Broderic...:           Hi, my name is  Tricia Broderick. I know we're all going to be like super  everybody. My name is Tricia Broderick, I am tired some because I'm not sleeping, but mostly because I get my energy from really large groups of people and I don't have that right now. So I am here. I'm in.
Dr. Dave:                      Welcome.
Antony Marcano:          Welcome.
Angie Doyle:                 Welcome.
Jessica Small:                Welcome.
April Jefferson:             Welcome.
Jessica Small:                I will go next. I am Jessica Small and I am so glad to be here to talk about and to have been part of such an important conversation. I'm in.
Dr. Dave:                      Welcome.
April Jefferson:             Welcome.
Angie Doyle:                 SO my name is Angie Doyle and I am spirited because this is a topic I'm really passionate and excited to speak about, and I'm in.
Dr. Dave:                      Welcome.
Antony Marcano:          Welcome.
April Jefferson:             Welcome. I'm April Jefferson. I feel passionate so it's sort of a, "Yes and," on Angie. I'm passionate because hey, what we're talking about today, I am one of the ones in that group. Not only if I wasn't, I would care as well for all people that struggle from just walking in this world. So I'm in.
Jessica Small:                Welcome.
Antony Marcano:          Welcome.
Angie Doyle:                 Welcome.
Antony Marcano:          I guess it's my turn.
Dr. Dave:                      Yeah.
Antony Marcano:          Hi, I'm Antony Marcano. I'm feeling hopeful because there are lots of things that we couldn't talk about before for fear of being told we'd be playing the race card. But now being taken seriously and being heard. Not by everyone, but by more people than before. Therefore, I'm hopeful that we can grow the number of people willing to hear so that we can start the process of reach an understanding, and I'm in.
Angie Doyle:                 Welcome.
Dr. Dave:                      Welcome.
April Jefferson:             Welcome.