KnolShare with Dr. Dave

KnolShare with Dr. Dave

E72: Debrief: Take the Learning Home

March 12, 2020

Welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast, hosted on and streamed on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.   You are listening to Episode #72 with Dr. Dave Cornelius at the Agile Arizona Phoenix North Meetup 2020.

Alan, Dr. Dave, and Perry. Agile Arizona South – Meetup

Dr. Dave Cornelius – KnolShare with Dr. Dave

Get the Core Scrum 101 Card Game

The KnolShare Agile Scrum Learning Cards Volume 1 provide a simple way to learn about the Scrum framework, which include the following:

* Scrum Definition* Uses of Scrum* Scrum Theory* Scrum Values* Scrum Team* Scrum Events* Scrum Artifacts* Artifact Transparency

Click to Purchase the Core Scrum 101 Card game.

Debriefing Cube

Debriefing Cube

The Debriefing Cube has six sides that include 1) Goal, 2) Process, 3) Group Dynamics, 4) Communications, 5) Emotions, and 6) Take-aways. Recently, I spoke at the Agile Arizona North and South Meetups, as well as used the tool in a Advanced Scrum class to build a repository of questions that can be shared with learning communities during a debrief session or retrospective event. Please find the contributions of over 50 people sharing questions that can extend the debriefing cube initial set of questions.

Goal (Explore shared understandings):

* How familiar are you with fundamentals of Scrum?* Was the goal to understand the basics of Scrum?* Why did you play the game?* What did you expect and what did you learn?* Why did we play in groups?* Did the instructions help you understand the
goal?* Was the goal and outcome the same thing?* How did you self-organize?* Did we understand what the goal was?* Was there a shared understanding?* What was this easy or hard?* What was the source to form our agreement?* What do you think the purpose of the game was?* What did you think would happen?* Did you feel like everyone was able to
participate or was heard?* Did we have a shared understanding?* How do you know everyone understands before we
start?* What does success look like (Acceptance
Criteria)?* What was discussed, learned, or the objective?* Was there a reward / price?* Did we begin by seeking to solve first?* Was the goal / outcome the same thing?* Was the timeframe flexible and did we factor it
into the goal?* Was the goal easy or hard?* Was there an expectation to learn?* Do we know when we are done (Definition of
Done)?* Do we know when we are ready (Definition of
Ready)?* What was the value of the goal?* Was the goal attainable?* Did you have control of everything needed to achieve
the goal?* What the communication of the goal consistent?

Process (Explore the journey and the result):

* What roles and responsibilities emerged?* What step was hard?* What step was easy?* How could we make that more efficient?* What could we do differently?* Well? Not well? Better?* What did you end up feeling was the best way to
sort?* What part of the process was hard?* How would effectiveness be different if roles
were switched?* Do you feel everyone contributed?* How would it be different with more people?* If we had used would it have been
faster?* If we had divided role and responsibilities at
the beginning, would it have been better?* Was there any fun?* What approach did you take?* Did anyone step forward as a leader?* How did you participate?* Did you distribute the work?* Did you feel the process was worthwhile or