K J and A Podcast

Latest Episodes
K J Arcade 12: Fallout New Vegas!
With special guest.. Jason from Game Corps! - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a message at, 858-848-KJNA (5562) - Linktree: linktr.ee/kjandapodcast - Facebook: @kjandapod
K J and Game Corps!
This week the guys interview the head honcho from Game Corps, Jason! Great conversation and so much fun! - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a message at, 858-848-KJNA (556
Episode 133: K J and your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man!
This week the guys take on the series, Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man on Disney+! We be thwippin' like nobodies business. - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a message at
K J Arcade 11: Metroid!
This week the guys discuss the Nintendo classic... Metroid! Samus Aran in Bikinis ftw. - Dont act like you didn't play for that ending. - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave
Episode 132: K J and Honor!
This week the guys have a special guest, Honor Lewis! Self Help book writer, youtube content creator, and all around amazing person! Here's where you can find all her stuff! - @Honorsdiary on Youtube!
K J Arcade 10: Devil My Cry!
This week, Jay brings to the Arcade the classic Devil May Cry! All the iterations and what future Capcom has in store for the franchise. - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave
Episode 131: K J and The Witcher – Sirens of the Deep!
This week the guys watch the new Netflix Movie The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep! Come listen and find out why we want to throw this one off the deep end! - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us
K J Arcade Episode 9: Chrono Trigger!
This Arcade Kevin talks about one of the greatest games to ever come out of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.. Chrono Trigger! - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a
Episode 130: K J and the news!
This week... The guys find nerd stuff to talk about... In the news, in the papers, you name it. Do they even have papers anymore? - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a mess
K J Arcade Episode 8: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
For this arcade Jay brings to light a classic game, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Get ready for some nostalgia goodness! - Email us at kjandapodcast@gmail.com - Give us a call or leave a messag