Kira Stellato Web Radio

Meditation on Fear
Fear is a powerful emotion which can cause a lot of physical and mental anguish. Living under constant fear can negatively impact our cardiovascular and immune system, our memory, brain processing, and mental health. We can work with our fear by developing mindful awareness and a compassionate heart. By practicing meditation, we can bring acceptance and lovingkindness to our lives. Five minutes of meditation a day can change your day. This week let’s choose fear as our companion for our meditation practice. Make friends with your fear; embrace it and turn it into courage and active compassion! Do you need any advice or a therapy counseling service? I will be happy to answer each and everyone of you! .fusion-button.button-3 {border-radius:2px;}LET’S GET IN TOUCH!You can use this form to send me requests, questions, make a private appointment at my practice in Trieste or by phone or video-conference or even simply for suggestions and comments.