Kingdom Family Talks with Leif Hetland

Kingdom Family Talks with Leif Hetland

Ep. 12 – From Glory to Glory feat. Paul Yadao

May 09, 2017

Leif’s spiritual son, Paul Yadao joins him for an inspiring conversation about the Father. Leif and Paul have such a deep connection with each other, it’s amazing to hear them go deeper in the presence of God. Enjoy!
I’m Paul Yadao and I’m the lead pastor of Destiny Ministries International based in the Philippines. My passion is to impart desire for intimacy with God, worship and kingdom living. The life of David never fails to fascinate and amaze me. And I yearn for a heart like his. I was one of the first fruits of a radical movement of a group of students who, like David, became fierce for God. The Students for Christ, one of the student movements in my university, ushered in revival in the early 1990’s in the campus. Our turning point was when we met Leif Hetland during one of Randy Clark’s School of Healing at HLC in 2006. We asked him to father us and he said yes. He released a father’s blessing over us and from then on we were never the same again. The favor and grace of God became evident as doors for ministry opened before us that we could barely keep up.
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