

Getting Started With Audiobooks (Plus Audiobook Recommendations For Preschoolers Through Teens)

February 15, 2021

Listening to audiobooks is a great way to pass the time on car rides or during long days at home, and we have some specific suggestions for HOW to get your kids hooked on listening to great books. In today’s episode we share ideas for getting started with audiobooks (even with very young children), plus some specific titles that we love for little kids and several more our bigger kids have been loving lately. As always, we wrap up the episode with what we’ve been reading and what YOU’ve been reading. Enjoy!

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Sarah is reading All Creatures Great & Small by James Herriott (and loving it!). Allegra just finished Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys, and is thinking about starting A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.

What you’re reading:

Jenna from British Columbia wrote to use to share what she and daughters Neva and Tessa are reading:

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